Play in my non USCF November online blitz tournament

First place wins $10

The tournament is on Saturday, November 25th at 10am PST. Please note that this is not USCF rated. Anyone who is rated 100- 2200 on is welcome to play in this tournament. Also, partcipants must have played a minimum of ten games to participate.

More info: The tournament is 7 rounds and the time control is 3 | 2, which is a blitz time control. That means a player starts out with 3 minutes. Every time that player makes a move, then 2 seconds is added to his or her time.

First place wins a $10 gift card!

If you are others are planning to play in my tournament, I encourage you to sign up for my email list where I'll send the latest updates and more. Please sign up here and you'll also get my FREE eBook for beginners.

In order to play in the chess tournament, then you must be a member of my club. Join my club here.
After you join, then you will see the link to join my chess tournament on my club's homepage. If you don't see the link, here is the tournament link.

I host these monthly chess tournaments for my students and followers to have fun! This is a great opportunity to play against my other students and followers!

I DO NOT TOLERATE cheating in my tournaments. If you want to cheat, then DON'T play in my tournament. You WILL get CAUGHT cheating if you do cheat in my online chess tournaments! In other words, cheating is a very bad idea!

Posted 6 months ago by Lauren Goodkind
